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MEDYC B5滲透保濕精華 B5 Hyaluronic Serum
Hydration is Essential for Youthful Skin B5 Hyaluronic Serum B5滲透保濕精華 30ml pH5.5 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 維生素B5和透明質酸鈉結合起來使用,全方位深入滋潤及修復肌膚,加上透明質酸鈉分子特小,有極強穿透力,讓肌膚由表層到深層都能瞬間秒吸水份,大大提供充足水分到各肌層,同時亦提升肌膚細胞的再生修復力,減淡臉上紋理,令肌膚水嫩,飽滿、亮澤。 The combination of Vitamin B5 and Sodium Hyaluronate provides thorough deep moisturization and skin repair. Sodium Hyaluronate possesses the ability to penetrate deeper skin layers,...- $624.00
$780.00- $624.00
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MEDYC 滋養抗敏套裝 A Solution for Healthy and Radiant Skin
O-live Heal SerumO-live 抗敏修復精華(30 ml) + O-live Heal Lotion0-live 抗敏修復乳(50ml)- $1,185.00
$1,580.00- $1,185.00
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MEDYC 水嫩美肌套裝 Hydration is Essential for Youthful Skin
B5 Hyaluronic SerumB5 滲透保濕精華(30ml) + B5 Hyaluronic MoisturizerB5 保濕面霜(50ml)- $1,170.00
$1,560.00- $1,170.00
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MEDYC 煥活修復油 Radiant Skin Facial Oil
Unleash the Magic of Facial Oil Radiant Skin Facial Oil 煥活修復油 30ml Suitable for Sensitized Skin Types 適合敏感性肌膚 煥活修復油採用獨特配方,包括紅花籽油、沙棘油、玫瑰果油和其他植元素的混合物,能夠提供強效的抗氧化和抗炎效果,並形成一層油脂保護層,阻隔致敏物質、紫外線等刺激因素對肌膚的侵害,加入梔子花植元素可以有效地抑制炎症因子釋放及調節肌膚免疫力,減少肌膚過敏及炎症,全方位保護肌底,穩定屏障,日夜重建健康肌膚。 This formula contains a blend of nourishing oils and other plant extracts that providing powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it helps to heal infections...- $640.00
$800.00- $640.00
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MEDYC O-live抗敏修復乳 O-live Heal Lotion
A Solution for Healthy and Radiant Skin O-live Heal Lotion O-live抗敏修復乳50ml pH5 Suitable for Sensitized Skin 適合敏感性肌膚 O-live抗敏修復乳蘊含橄欖葉及白茶葉萃取,有效滋潤脆弱肌膚,迅速紓緩乾燥、發紅及瘙癢,同時以繡線菊及檸檬果等抗炎性萃取,多管齊下強化肌膚,減少刺激和過敏反應,讓脆弱肌膚快速度回復健康、光滑狀態,提供最好的呵護。 This Lotion includes Olive Leaf Extract and Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, which helps reduce irritation and itchiness. Spiraea Ulmaria and Citrus Limon Extracts have the...- $480.00
$600.00- $480.00
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MEDYC B5 保濕面霜 B5 Hyaluronic Moisturizer
The Ultimate ‘Hydra Up’ B5 Hyaluronic Moisturizer B5保濕面霜 50ml pH5 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 利用高效保濕能力的維他命B5配合透明質酸鈉相互促進能力,令各自的保濕功效發揮到極致,為肌膚先保濕後鎖水,加入皮脂成分相近的角鯊烷,進一步修復皮脂膜及細胞間脂質,鞏固肌膚表層保護膜,抓住1000倍的水分,改善乾燥細紋,造就肌膚水潤飽滿感。 This moisturizer is enriched with Sodium Hyaluronate and Vitamin B5 to deliver deep hydration and maintain water retention. It combines squalane to repair the skin's...- $624.00
$780.00- $624.00
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MEDYC 酵素保濕洗面露 Essential Cleanser
Refreshed Complexion Cleansing Essential Cleanser 酵素保濕洗面露 180ml pH7.25 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 木瓜及菠蘿酵素溫和輕柔地去除肌膚上的老廢角質細胞,深入清潔毛孔,溶解污垢及皮脂。配合高效注水鎖水力的透明質酸鈉,吸收並緊密結合水分,鞏固肌層保水效應,為肌膚提供源源不斷的水分,潔膚後膚質清爽嫩滑不乾燥緊繃,維持水潤淨透狀態,呈現提亮水光感。 The papaya and pineapple enzymes in this product effectively exfoliate the skin and dissolve impurities. It can penetrate sebum and help clear pores. Sodium hyaluronate helps to increase the...- $336.00
$420.00- $336.00
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MEDYC 全物理修護防曬霜 Cellular Protection SPF 30
Protect All Day, Every Day Cellular Protection SPF 30 全物理修護防曬霜 SPF30 50ml pH7.5 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 全物理修護防曬霜 SPF30蘊含氧化鋅及二氧化鈦,能針對紫外線侵害而產生的光老化問題進行修復,提供100%物理性抗氧防曬保護,防曬同時具有保濕的功效,均勻貼合肌膚。物理性的抗氧化保護方式安全和有效,不會對肌膚造成刺激和損傷,輕盈質地容易妝前使用,為肌膚提供全天性保護,不受紫外線侵害。 The Cellular Protection SPF 30 contains 100% Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, which function as physical sunscreens. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide...- $448.00
$560.00- $448.00
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MEDYC C+ 抗氧眼霜 C+ Eye Cream
Revitalize and Rejuvenate Your Eyes C+ Eye Cream C+抗氧眼霜15ml pH5.5 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 C+ 抗氧眼霜蘊含苦橙萃取及維他命C 成份,有效修復因壓力和環境等因素所造成的眼部老化問題,促進血液循環,減少黑眼圈的色素沉著。配合Eyeliss™和Matrixyl™ 產生多重肽合作用,能定點針對眼部動態紋的位置,抑制因習慣性動作而產生的紋理,強效緊致眼周肌膚,讓眼周肌膚重新煥發神采,展現明亮、緊緻的效果。 The combination of Citrus Aurantium Extract and Vitamin C is effective in preventing environmental damage and reducing dark circles. It includes potent ingredients...- $480.00
$600.00- $480.00
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MEDYC 微金再生精華 Gold Serum
Brighten up your complexion with gold Gold Serum 微金再生精華30ml pH5.5 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 黃金中含帶有負離子的微金粒子,當接觸肌膚後就會與人體內正離子相互協調,從而啟動”黃金活膚機制”,促進肌膚新陳代謝,改善微循環和增加細胞活力。同時在微金粒子刺激下,激發肌底膠原蛋白及彈性蛋白合成,讓支撐纖維在不同皮層重新固定,從而緊緻鬆弛的肌膚,擊退細紋皺紋,減輕及預防初老現象。 Gold Nanoparticles contain ions that stimulate cells and improve microcirculation. It can help to prevent aging, erase fine lines & wrinkles and improves elasticity in...- $720.00
$900.00- $720.00
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MEDYC O-live抗敏修復精華 O-live Heal Serum
Embrace the Journey of Skin Healing O-live Heal Serum O-live抗敏修復精華30ml pH6 Suitable for Sensitized Skin 適合敏感性肌膚 橄欖葉成份中含有大量營養素,迅速滋養乾敏肌膚,同時具有抗炎抗菌功效,有助於治療皮膚問題,讓肌膚變得健康有光澤。配合繡線菊和積雪草萃取雙效修復配方,有助增強肌膚保護屏障,抑制炎症的產生及迅速減輕炎症不適。同時深入滋養肌膚,修復受損組織,為肌膚帶來修復力量之餘,保持穩定的健康肌底。 Olive Leaf Extract is nutrient-rich and soothes irritation caused by excessively dry skin, reduces inflammation, and imparts a healthy glow to the skin. The combination...- $784.00
$980.00- $784.00
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MEDYC 淨化毛孔精華 Pure Serum
Pore Perfection Delivers Pure Skin Pure Serum 淨化毛孔精華 30ml pH4.75 Suitable for Oily, rough pores and Acne-Prone Skin Types 適合油性,毛孔粗大及暗瘡性肌膚 淨化毛孔精華採用天然植元素成份,能溫和地深入毛孔清除污垢和油脂,防止毛孔堵塞,並減少黑頭、白頭和粉刺生成。添加茶樹葉油更能有效殺菌消炎,溫和而強效地修護暗瘡痘痘肌,紓緩及鎮靜紅腫發炎徵狀,全面解決毛孔粗糙及暗瘡炎症問題,呈現零毛孔美肌。 Our Pure Serum can penetrate pores to eliminate dirt and excess oil. It helps to clear blocked pores and helps prevent blackheads,...- $672.00
$840.00- $672.00
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MEDYC 保濕爽膚水 HA Hydrating Toner
Hydrates and Balances Your Skin HA Hydrating Toner HA保濕爽膚水180ml pH5.75 Suitable for Any Skin Types 適合任何肌膚 蘊含高濃度透明質酸鈉及多種植元素,能夠深度滋養肌膚,同時緩解肌膚敏感和炎症問題。透明質酸鈉能夠提供充足水分,穩定肌膚含水量,改善乾燥感,配合具抗炎功效的山金車及白洋甘菊萃取,能調理及舒緩炎症肌膚,優化肌膚質素,用後肌膚瞬間回復柔嫩飽滿,提升後續護膚程序之吸收力。 Our toner contains high concentrations of Sodium Hyaluronate and multiple plant extracts, making it effective in deeply nourishing the skin while relieving sensitivity and inflammation....- $336.00
$420.00- $336.00
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