Skin-friendly cleansing foam that removes dirt and dead cells and provides the skin with moisture. The skin is optimally prepared for the subsequent skincare routine.
具備良好親膚功能的溫和潔面泡沫,有效去除微污垢和壞死角質,同時補充水份,為後續護理程 序加強吸收效能。
During the day and night, the skin is exposed to dirt and environmental influences. Make-up and dirt particles can lead to skin blemishes and a weakened skin barrier. Salicylic acid removes dead skin cells and dirt, thus unclogging and refining the pores, preBIULIN FOS stabilises the skin's microbiome and protects the skin barrier. The skin is relieved from impurities, deeply cleansed and moisturized. Deep cleansing is the optimal preparation for the skincare routine and thereby supports the effect of the subsequent skincare products.
每天,肌膚都暴露於外在環境影響的傷害及污垢下。化粧品和微污垢顆粒可能導致皮 膚瑕疵和皮脂膜受損。水楊酸可以去除壞死角質和微污垢,從而疏通和收細毛孔,而 preBIULIN FOS 則可以穩定皮膚微生物組群並保護皮膚屏障。潔面後,肌膚得到前所 未有的潔淨和水潤,深層清潔是護膚程序的重要一步,可以令後續護膚程序發揮至極。
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